Hendra Gunawan Fish Seller oil on canvas
lot171001-171017 同一收藏家提供
Hendra Gunawan油画卖鱼
Hendra Gunawan Fish Seller oil on canvas
来源:Dr. Maier bought his first painting at the Nagel Auction in1952. He still keeps the original invoice as a memento. During his 70-year collection career,he learned from the painter himself and museum professionals,and has a very high ability to appreciate and collect oil paintings,Over the years he built up an impressive collection of the modern visual arts, which is now located in Indonesia. This collection has never been made accessible to public. On his 95'th birthday he decided to dispose of his Asian art collection which will be sold by Singapore International Auction in a number of sales this year. The estimates have been set very low since this is a closing sales.1952 年Maier博士在Nagel拍卖会上购买了他的第一幅油画,现今仍保留着当时拍卖的原始发票。从此对油画的研究学习,在70年的收藏生涯中与画家及博物馆专业指导下收藏了一批亚洲油画,并对油画有了极高的鉴赏及鉴定能力。积累了印象深刻的现代视觉艺术,现位于印度尼西亚私人展览馆,从未向公众开放。在他 106 岁生日之际决定他的亚洲油画收藏,由新加坡国际全球拍卖会进行拍卖。让热爱亚洲艺术收藏家收藏,所以此次拍卖估价很低让更多人参与竞标。
亨德拉古纳万 Hendra Gunawan,艺术家,诗人,雕塑家和游击战士,1918生于万隆。青年加入了学生部队,是 Poetera人民权力中心的积极成员,组织领导苏加诺等人。他还活跃于Persagi,印度尼西亚画家协会,该组织由SSudjojono于1938年创立,亨德拉古纳万因为政治的原因入狱12年,于1978年释放。晚年在监狱中依然不停作画。他的作品经常被佳士得或苏富比在东南亚艺术专场拍卖曾经价格高达900万港币。Hendra Gunawan, artist, poet, sculptor and guerilla fighter, was born in Bandung in 1918.During his youth he joined the student troops and was an active member of Poetera Center of Popular Power and organization led by Sukarno and others. He was also active in Persagi, The Association of Indonesian Painters, an organization founded by S.Sudjojono and Agus Djaya in 1938.Hendra was imprisoned for 12 years in Kebon Waru Jail, Bandung, and relocated to Bali after he was released in 1978. His art works was always sold in Christie or Sotheby.once his paintings sold at 9 million HDK.
Hendra Gunawan油画卖鱼
Hendra Gunawan Fish Seller oil on canvas
来源:Dr. Maier bought his first painting at the Nagel Auction in1952. He still keeps the original invoice as a memento. During his 70-year collection career,he learned from the painter himself and museum professionals,and has a very high ability to appreciate and collect oil paintings,Over the years he built up an impressive collection of the modern visual arts, which is now located in Indonesia. This collection has never been made accessible to public. On his 95'th birthday he decided to dispose of his Asian art collection which will be sold by Singapore International Auction in a number of sales this year. The estimates have been set very low since this is a closing sales.1952 年Maier博士在Nagel拍卖会上购买了他的第一幅油画,现今仍保留着当时拍卖的原始发票。从此对油画的研究学习,在70年的收藏生涯中与画家及博物馆专业指导下收藏了一批亚洲油画,并对油画有了极高的鉴赏及鉴定能力。积累了印象深刻的现代视觉艺术,现位于印度尼西亚私人展览馆,从未向公众开放。在他 106 岁生日之际决定他的亚洲油画收藏,由新加坡国际全球拍卖会进行拍卖。让热爱亚洲艺术收藏家收藏,所以此次拍卖估价很低让更多人参与竞标。
亨德拉古纳万 Hendra Gunawan,艺术家,诗人,雕塑家和游击战士,1918生于万隆。青年加入了学生部队,是 Poetera人民权力中心的积极成员,组织领导苏加诺等人。他还活跃于Persagi,印度尼西亚画家协会,该组织由SSudjojono于1938年创立,亨德拉古纳万因为政治的原因入狱12年,于1978年释放。晚年在监狱中依然不停作画。他的作品经常被佳士得或苏富比在东南亚艺术专场拍卖曾经价格高达900万港币。Hendra Gunawan, artist, poet, sculptor and guerilla fighter, was born in Bandung in 1918.During his youth he joined the student troops and was an active member of Poetera Center of Popular Power and organization led by Sukarno and others. He was also active in Persagi, The Association of Indonesian Painters, an organization founded by S.Sudjojono and Agus Djaya in 1938.Hendra was imprisoned for 12 years in Kebon Waru Jail, Bandung, and relocated to Bali after he was released in 1978. His art works was always sold in Christie or Sotheby.once his paintings sold at 9 million HDK.