Lee Man Fong Two White Parrot

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Lee Man Fong Two White Parrot

Description: 171000
Lee Man Fong Two White Parrot
来源:收藏家Mr Hassan 85岁,前佳士得油画部顾问,早年购于画家本人。Mr Hassan收藏的油画曾被佳士得和苏富比拍卖。 provanace:Collector Mr Hassan, 85 years old, former consultant of Christie's oil painting department, bought it from the artist himself in his early years. Oil paintings collected by Mr Hassan have been auctioned by Christie's and Sotheby's.
收藏家Mr Hassan 生于1937年,是前佳士得新加坡的油画部顾问,从1968年开始就对油画情有独钟,80年代在新加坡的Tanglin Shopping Center二楼开了一家画廊,经营印尼的油画和巴厘木雕等艺术品,1974年三月在新加坡Ming Court Hotel举行Dullah的画展中遇到Dullah的好友李曼峰,Dullah把李曼峰介绍给Hassan,并告诉Hassan购买李曼峰所有的作品,于是Hassan就开始从李曼峰手里大量购买其作品做画展。并且李曼峰最大最精彩的作品也在Hassan家里收藏至今。李曼峰(1913-1988),当代著名画家。1913年出生于中国广州,幼年时移居新加坡,后到印尼,著名画家李曼峰是东南亚的先驱画家,对南洋画风有着重要贡献和影响。Lee Man Fong (1913-1988), a famous contemporary painter. Born in Guangzhou, China in 1913, he moved to Singapore when he was young, and then to Indonesia. The famous painter Lee Man Fong is a pioneer painter in Southeast Asia, and has made important contributions and influences on the Nanyang painting style. Collector Mr Hassan, born in 1937, is a former consultant of the oil painting department of Christie’s Singapore. He has been fond of oil paintings since 1968. In the 1980s, he opened a gallery on the second floor of Tanglin Shopping Center in Singapore, dealing in Indonesian oil paintings and paintings. Bali wood carvings and other artworks. In March 1974, he met Dullah's friend Lee Man Fong in Dullah's art exhibition held at Ming Court Hotel in Singapore. Dullah introduced Lee Man Fong to Hassan and told Hassan to buy all Lee Man Fong's works, so Hassan began to buy from Lee Man Fong. He bought a large number of his works for exhibition. And Lee Man Fong's biggest and most wonderful works are also collected in Hassan's house so far.